Easy Meditation for Beginners

Meditation made easy, simple techniques for beginners. Remember all you need is 5 to 10 minutes a day to get started with your regular practice.

Understanding meditation

We are very aware that meditation has been practiced over many centuries. The timeless practice of Meditation was originally practiced to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. In the modern day, meditation is mainly used for stress reduction and relaxation.

There are many benefits of meditation, it can produce a tranquil mind and deep states of relaxation. As you practice meditation you will find it is a type of mind-body complementary medicine.

Whilst meditating, you focus on your breathing following it as it gets deeper and slower. This focus helps to bring you back into your body and into the now, moving away from the many thoughts invading your mind causing stress. As you continue to practice meditation daily you will start to improve your physical and emotional well being.

Here is a quick and easy meditation you can do every morning for a few minutes before you get out of bed each day. My Meditation in Rozelle and Leichhardt, the Inner West of Sydney.

Remember all you need is 5 to 10 minutes a day to get started with meditation:

1. Be comfortable in a quiet place. Preferably in your bed, while you are laying down or sitting up before you get out of bed for the day.
2. Become “present.” Become totally aware of your current surroundings. … It helps to make your bedroom as pleasant and fresh as you can.
3. Focus on your breath. …
4. Feel your body.
5. Practice, practice, practice!

Benefits of meditation

Meditation can give you a sense of peace, calm and restore your centeredness and overall balance. This will benefit you both emotionally and your overall well being.

The benefits of meditation does not end after one session, it continues to carry over and gets you through the day more calmly. You will find that as you change and raise your vibrations through healing and relaxation meditations, situations around you each day will no longer affect your as much. A good sign of getting healthier, stronger and more balanced.

This is a recent case study of Helena and the way I have watched her improve in the last course of meditation that finished up early October. Experiencing meditation in Rozelle & Leichhardt, Inner West of Sydney.

Meditation has many different benefits for each of us. Whether it might be used for relaxation, stress relief or getting rid of anxiety, group meditations is a great way to start the experience and journey. I am usually writing up the facts and what is time tested and proven with the regular practice of meditation. This time, I thought I would share Helena’s story and experience.

I was impressed to see the transformation in her face as she looked more youthful when the stress melted away and the colour returned in her face, she looked younger and her eyes were clearer and more open. This took place by the second class. In the first class, the stress surfaced and dissolved. By the end of the first class of meditation she felt relaxed.

It was a real delight to see her change in each class for the better. By week five the stress had dissolved in her being and her body was starting to heal. Above is the testimonial she gave me and the baby possum that joined us in the meditations for lots of healing as well. Others in previous meditations have found that aches and pains in the body have disappeared by the end of the class, including migraines disappearing in one session over the years. This is the power of the ancient earth element healing I work with and channel into everyone that joins my meditations. Healing each and everyone one of us in different was and in varying degrees.

Looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow. For booking email me or call me on 02 95696580.

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