Out of Body Experience during Meditation

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Astral Projection Travel Meditation, Out of Body Experience. During deep sleep at night, for most people the human soul leaves the body into the astral plane.

During deep sleep at night, for most people, the human soul leaves the body into the astral plane. Rarely do we know we have been on a journey during the night and yet some can remember it vividly. On occasion, we may wake with a jolt and wonder why we are suddenly awake. That jolt is our soul entering our physical body. Thus, describing astral travel meditation as an out of body experience is an accurate description. As children, most of us experience Astral Projection as a natural part of our sleep states.

The out of body experience of astral travel meditation is for most people a skill developed over time and naturally experienced by very advanced souls. The body and mind need to be completely relaxed and willing to let go. Many people find practising meditation before the astral travel experience, helps them enter the deep, relaxed state to achieve the out of body experience.

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Experiencing Meditation

“What should I expect to experience during meditation?” “Am I doing it right?” “My thoughts wander to recent events and to-do lists”. These are all common questions and statements for beginners and even seasoned meditators. Meditation is a practice that reveals itself over time. It evolves with each person through their growth, times of peace and contentment, ill-health, stress and grief.

Perhaps the most challenging part of meditating is being still and not rushing to meet a deadline or to get somewhere on time. Today’s pace pushes us to achieve goals quickly, to rush to the end. The act of being fully in the now and grounded is the goal. It is during practice that the body and mind heal and positive experiences manifest easily and naturally into our everyday life.

Meditation is the journey, the space in between.

From guided to astral travel meditation, there is a style and technique to suit everyone. During our guided meditation classes, individuals have different experiences during each class. What they all share in common are the benefits;

  • Concentration and focus improve.
  • Feeling more settled and grounded, even in times of chaos or disorder.
  • Relief from pain, illness, depression, anxiety, and more.

What is Astral Travel Meditation?

Astral travel meditation happens when an individual’s spirit or soul leaves the physical body temporarily. No harm is brought to the physical body. It remains safe and protected in my meditation circles, in a deeply relaxed physical state. Through practice, the body can be in a deep state of relaxation while having conscious control, and memory of astral projection.

  • Deep relaxation.
  • Knowing your physical body is in a safe space.
  • Willingness to overcome fears and let go.

Historically, astral projection was used by traditional cultures. Robert Monroe (https://www.monroeinstitute.org/robert-monroe) was the first man to coin the term ‘out of body experience’ (OBE) in 1958. However, astral travel wasn’t new to human society with it being used in 95% (http://www.williamjames.com/Folklore/ASTRAL.htm) of cultures around the world for 100s of years.

Astral Travel Meditation Techniques

Activating the Earth Element

In a softly lit meditation room in Leichhardt, participants can begin their meditation with Senka free from the disturbance of the outside world. Under Senka’s guidance, meditators are taught to use the root chakra before working through the others. The natural earth element energy is then physically transferred through the third eye via shaktipat. Chakras are cleansed, and low energy is cleared out of the body during the meditations. As the clearing of the chakras occurs, the soul gently leaves the body to travel within the safe space of the room. This happens with advanced souls or meditators who have attended my meditations for over a year at least.

Expect to feel that inner peace grow as your meditation journey unfolds.

• If you are in Sydney, drop me an email or buy the course held at Norton Street, Leichhardt to book your place directly to join. Just scroll down and click on the “One Meditation Course of 5 Classes $138” but and follow the link to the payment page.
• Our meditation CD with mp3 audio files are ready to buy online, with direct download once the payment is processed. Link below in the middle box.
• There are Qty 10 meditation course left. This are tangible courses packed in a box and makes a great gift, ready to post once purchased. All the meditation has been converted to mp3 files as well, so you can transfer them to your smart phone to listen to. Heavily reduced to $137 to clear.

Meditation Course, Healing Session and Course Pack Sale

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