Category Archives: earth element

White Buffalo Prophecy & Chief Golden Eagle from the Sioux reservation in Dakota

Chief Golden Light Eagle is a hereditary and Sundance Chief from the Ihunktowan Naktoa Nation [...]

How the Earth Element Energy Healing Helped Get My Family Member out of the Emergency Ward

Healing High Blood Pressure Naturally with Pure Energy Late last year, I underwent an experience [...]

Earth Healing and Earth Star Chakra Guided Meditations

Instudio Group Meditations near Rozelle, Birchgrove and the Balmain, inner west suburbs of Sydney In [...]

Guided Meditation to Reduce & Release Stress for Carers

Whether Caring for Family Members, the Elderly, the Disabled or Our Wildlife, You Need Time [...]

Vibrational Energy Healing Techniques & Treatments from Nearly 10,000 Years Ago: Chakra Meditation

Balancing and Clearing Chakras – Meditation Information for Beginners Vital force (power drawn on during [...]

Manifestation, Visualisation & Resetting Bioenergy Codes With Guided Meditations

A Paradigm Shift in Thought Echoes Throughout the World Life is often anything but predictable. [...]

Mother Earth Healing and Grounding Your Energy Guided Meditation

Grounding and Centering Meditation, filling you with light in these challenging times. It is important [...]


Uluru Update ‘Magic Box’ Prophecy – Successfully Activated

Thanks to the Original Elders of this sacred land, Timothy for reaching out to me [...]


The Aboriginal Prophecy- Why We are Focusing on Activating the ‘Magic Box’ in Uluru

Healing and Activating the ‘Magic Box’ in Uluru with our Meditations Using the technique of [...]

Guided Meditation for Healing in Australia

Eye Healing Meditation and Meditation for Autoimmune Disease Repair Spending months, even years visiting doctors [...]